Guide on creating orders on Cellframe DEX (Regular mode)
Category: Guide

We've prepared a detailed guide on creating orders on Cellframe DEX! Today, we're publishing the first part — a tutorial on working in Regular mode.
Cellframe DEX is a decentralized exchange on the Cellframe platform for trading CF-20 tokens.
Unlike popular decentralized exchanges, ours does not use AMM protocols or smart contracts. Instead, Cellframe DEX operates on a limit order model, similar to centralized exchanges, where conditional transactions store exchange terms instead of smart contracts.
Currently, Cellframe DEX supports tokens from the Cellframe ecosystem (CELL, KEL) as well as other popular tokens such as DAI, USDC, ETH, BNB, and more.
For more details on using the DEX and all available features, check out the guide on the Cellframe Wiki.

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