The results of the external audit of the Cellframe protocol

The results of the external audit of the Cellframe protocol

Category: News

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We’ve got great news! CyStack has published the results of a comprehensive security and functionality audit of the Cellframe protocol! You can check out the report here.

As part of the preparation for the launch of the two-way bridge mode, we released a major update to the Cellframe Node (version 5.3). Following this, we conducted an internal review of the code for vulnerabilities and then submitted it for an external audit. The experts at CyStack carried out an in-depth analysis of the codebase, architecture, and network interaction protocols between nodes, as well as the protocols connecting nodes to external services. Their goal was to identify potential vulnerabilities and assess the system’s resilience against various types of attacks.

We implemented all of their recommendations and received a final positive conclusion from the experts.

It’s now official — the Cellframe protocol is secure! Verified by independent developers!