AMA with CEO Dmitry Gerasimov: 13 April 2023
Category: AMA

Hello everyone! I’m Dmitry Gerasimov, CEO of Demlabs and Cellframe
Welcome to another edition of our AMA stream. As usual, we will discuss the most important updates from our development teams, company news, and, of course, answer your questions.
Here is the list of topics for today:
- News from the life of our company, Demlabs
- The different ways that our DAP-SDK is being used in projects outside of blockchain
- Results from the first stages of testing the Mainnet Release Candidate
- The start of open Beta testing of the release candidate for the community
- News from the KelVPN team
- Progress on the Cellframe mainnet roadmap
- Launching the UniSwap V3 staking program
- New builds for Cellframe Dashboard and Cellframe Wallet
- Migrating liquidity to a new smart contract on the BSC network
Let’s start with some news that you have been waiting for:
Migrating liquidity in the BSC network
We migrated liquidity to the new smart contract on the BSC network — a new CELL token. Now we would like to ask our community to migrate all tokens to the new contract, and remove all the remaining liquidity from the old pool on PancakeSwap, if you were a liquidity provider.
To migrate your funds, please use the site The link will be in the description to this video.
Keep in mind that the pool has been transferred to the new V3 PancakeSwap protocol. Sites that report data only from the V2 and V1 protocols will show incorrect information about liquidity. The V3 protocol was launched only about a week before recording this video, so not all the sites implemented it. Please examine what protocol versions the site uses.
Launching Uniswap V3 staking
On the Ethereum network, the two most popular standards for NFT tokens are ERC-721 and ERC-1115. The UniSwap V3 protocol uses the ERC-721, unlike V1 and V2, which emitted ERC-20 tokens for each liquidity pool.
UniSwap V3 LP tokens can be staked immediately, without migrating from V2. Migrating V2 LP tokens requires some gas, so if you want to stake it’s better to stake already on V3.
The mechanism for V3 staking will be similar to the staking that is already implemented for V2. Users will need to set the range in which their LP tokens will be available for swaps on the DEX. This is the biggest difference between V2 and V3: you can set up your trading range, and if the price goes beyond this range all your LPs become token 1 or token 2 from your pair. It’s an interesting feature.
There will also be an option to add liquidity so that you can improve your position in the pool and get more rewards for your stake.
V3 staking will be available for the following pairs: CELL/ETH, CELL/USDC, CELL/DAI, CELL/USDT and CELL/KEL. We are also planning to implement V3 staking on the BSC network for PancakeSwap. We will announce it when it is launched, so keep track of our updates!
Cellframe Dashboard
We have released a new build of Dashboard, version 2.10–31. Here’s what we accomplished in the new build:
- Updated the versions of Cellframe Node and SDK
- Opitmized the synchronization timer. Now it syncs once every 10 minutes.
- Fixed the token unstaking feature, and added error handling. Now you can unstake your tokens without any issues. There were a lot of reports about these issues, and how it is fixed.
You can find links to download the new Dashboard in the description to this video. Please keep your software updated.
We are now working on implementing a new color scheme for Cellframe Dashboard. Also, we are implementing a diagnostic plugin for collecting data about the node. It will make it possible for us to monitor a variety of node performance indicators, such as:
- The duration of uninterrupted work of the node, dashboard, and system overall
- Total current memory usage of the processor and system
- The version and current status of the Node, and some metrics from the node state.
Now, as I already said on the last AMA stream, our team will have more information so that the development team can more easily manage the stability of the network.
For Master Nodes, providing this information will be required. We guarantee that you will continue to have full confidentiality. All this data that will be provided will be depersonalized. There are no records about your IP address, your wallet address, etc.
Cellframe Wallet
The next topic is an update to our Cellframe Wallet app.
For those that don’t know yet, Cellframe Wallet is a simplified version of Cellframe Dashboard. The app is designed primarily for mobile platforms, and is convenient for users who need only the basic functionality. It includes only the most commonly used functions:
- Working with your wallet, sending funds, and tracking transactions
- Staking tokens on the staking site and collecting rewards
- A built-in DEX for trading tokens on the Cellframe network
- The ability to set up and launch a Master Node, so that you can take full advantage of your devices. And some more.
In the last week of March, we launched a new release version of Cellframe Wallet — 1.1.5. Now we are already preparing the next release. In the new version we fixed the following errors that some of our users have been seeing:
- We fixed some bugs related to the scaling of the app. For example, we fixed the issue with changing the position of the app on your screen
- We removed the foggy text in drop-down lists
- We configured the process of sending requests for connecting to the staking site using the Web3 protocol
We will make an announcement when the new build is ready, so please look out for updates from the team.
Dashboard and Wallet
The Cellframe Dashboard and Cellframe Wallet have many of the same features, so our development team works with both of them in parallel. We are now working on several new features for them:
The first one is a feature for reconfiguring the node. This will make it possible to change node parameters in the Settings tab without inputting them manually into the configuration file. Right now unfortunately you have to edit it manually if you want to change anything in the node. Now you won’t need to do that.
We are also refactoring the ui-cellframe-sdk. This is responsible for the interaction between the Node and the user interface. Previously, we used two different versions of the ui-cellframe-sdk module for Cellframe Wallet and Cellframe Dashboard. Now, after refactoring, we can move to one single version for both apps.
In addition, we are refining our Web3 API. This could be of interest to Web3 developers. We created new code for the function of processing requests from the Web API server, and we moved the API itself to a separate sub-module.
Now I want to talk about some important details about the conditions of working with our non-custodial cryptocurrency wallets. By the way, we don’t have any custodial wallets. All our wallets are non-custodial.
SEED phrases and wallet backup files can only be generated when you are creating the wallet, not later. Please keep in mind that if you lose this information there is no way to recover access to your wallet. We have added a notification about this to all our wallet applications. But I wanted to repeat it here, because we had some requests to restore wallets without SEED phrases. Sorry, we can’t help in such situations.
KelVPN News
Let’s move to the next topic: news from the KelVPN team. KelVPN is our decentralized VPN service, which is part of the Cellframe ecosystem.
The KelVPN team is preparing a major update. Here is what it will include:
- A new user interface: a redesign of the app in both dark and light themes
- Optimization of the list of user servers, which will make it possible to display more servers
- And fixing some small bugs, adding some small features
Also, we are adding a mode for KelVPN to work together with Cellframe wallets. This is the so-called NoCBD mode. We talked about this mode in detail in a previous AMA stream. When this mode is implemented, KelVPN will become a truly decentralized VPN.
VPN users will be able to choose which mode they work with, the server they connect to, and how much traffic they need. People who want to offer traffic to others will collect the fees for their services.
In the previous version, the KelVPN team added a feature for automatically updating the app. After the release, we found that this feature was not working correctly on all platforms. To fix this issue, the team is preparing a new release — version 7.5. We will make an announcement when this release is ready, so please follow our updates. Stay tuned!
Cellframe Mainnet Roadmap

And now we move to the most important topic: progress on the Cellframe Mainnet. We periodically update our roadmap, but overall we try to stick to it. And in our AMA sessions we always bring you news about what parts of it we have completed.
To demonstrate the progress we are making, here is a table with information about all our commits in Gitlab.

Release Candidate: Stages of Testing
On the previous AMA session, we announced the launch of the Cellframe Mainnet Release Candidate. The release candidate is like a rough draft of the Mainnet code. It allows us to perform more tests on the work of all the mechanisms of the network.
Testing the release candidate happens in three stages:
- Internal Alpha testing — checking the work of basic functions and searching for bugs
- Closed Beta testing — looking for bugs that are more rare
- Open community testing — where we test the network in conditions that are close to reality
Release Candidate: Alpha Testing
As I mentioned before, we already launched two test networks: Raiden for Cellframe, where users can test the role of Validator, and Reimann for KelVPN. On Reimann, users will be able to test not only the Validator role, but also the role of Service Provider. Right now, only the Raiden network is being used for tests. Reimann will be open later.
On Raiden, our testers already conducted Alpha testing for adding validators. They found and fixed several bugs and added some functionality. For example:
- Added verification for the uniqueness of node addresses when delegating keys.
- Separated the processes of initializing and loading networks
- Added verifications and completed work on zerochain decrees
- Expanded the Block List command. Now it’s possible to search for blocks with a specific certificate (the public key of the certificate). You can also use a filter to see only the blocks where there are transactions with unspent fees. That’s important for master nodes
- Fixed incorrect calculation of balance when transferring tokens or staking
Release Candidate: Closed Beta Testing
For Beta testing, we made a decision to separate the process into Closed and Open community testing. We began with Closed testing and are now gradually expanding the number of participants. We are closely monitoring all changes in the work of the consensus and the network.
All test were conducted only with separate nodes, on Linux systems. As a result of the Closed Beta, with the help of our active and brave group of Beta Testers — lots of respect for you — we were able to identify and fix a couple of bugs. Here is a list of evil bugs:
- In key delegation transactions, the wallet was being delegated instead of the public certificate
- When exporting logs, the names of the networks and certificates were mixed up
- After unstaking, the tCell tokens did not return to the wallet, but the mCell tokens were burned
All these bugs were fixed, so don’t worry.
During the Closed Beta, we added 6 network validators from the community. The validators not only helped us with looking for bugs, but also tested the process of revoking key delegation.
Release Candidate: Open Beta Testing
And now we move to the next topic: the launch of Open Beta Testing.
We now invite all holders of CELL tokens to participate in testing the release candidate and set up master nodes on the Raiden testnet. Here are the requirements:
- A public IP address (right now only the IPv4 protocol is fully supported, IPv6 is on the way)
- Your node on Linux must remain online at all times, or at least most of the time
- Your Backbone account must have at least 10,000 CELL or 10 mCell
- In addition, we ask all participants in the Open Beta to update their node version more frequently. At this stage of testing, it might be important to update often.
So, you have a public IP address and you have a Linux system that can be online at all times. What’s next?
- First, install the latest version of the Node
- Create a wallet or import an existing wallet and input the address on the Raiden network
- Go to the website for getting test tokens ( Here you will need to input your Backbone wallet address which has the minimum number of tokens, and the wallet address in Raiden where you will get the test tokens
- After that, you can begin following the Beta Testing instructions for setting up a master node
We will provide the instructions for delegating keys, and if you have any questions you can ask them in the Telegram channel Cellframe Network Dev: EN ( All the links can be found in the description to this video.
Testing the setup of a master node will later become available through Dashboard. Follow our updates for this announcement.
DAP SDK for Neutron Detectors
Today we have an interesting topic for you: our experience with using elements of the DAP SDK in non-blockchain projects.
As you know, Cellframe’s main office is located in the research center of Akademgorodok in Novosibirsk. Nearly everyone here has some relationship to scientific research, and we are also involved in it.
At the core of all our products is the DAP SDK — a cross-platform set of libraries for the C language. We are constantly working to improve its ability to work with high-volume systems, such as blockchains, VPN services, and others. But recently we also found a use case for it in scientific research.
Elements of DAP SDK are now being used in detectors of neutrons and x-ray radiation, which are used in various facilities in the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. The size and configuration of these installations can be very different, but they all contain three core elements:
- The first is a scintillator — a material that produces luminescence — emits light — when it comes in contact with particles. It can be in the form of a solid, like crystals or a metal plate, or it can be a liquid or gas
- The second element is a photomultiplier — a device that increases the flow of photons from the scintillator and transforms it into an electrical impulse
- The third is an analog-digital conversion system. It digitizes the electrical signal from the photomultiplier and transmits it to the system’s control module. Also, it filters signal from noise and repackages it a little.
It is here, in the analog-digital converter, that elements of our SDK are used to improve the device’s efficiency and stability.
The primary use case for this is in Neutron Detectors for experimental plasma devices. The production of neutrons is an integral part of the process of thermonuclear synthesis. That’s why the international ITER reactor project, which is based in France, is planning to install these detectors. I hope!
The second use case is in x-ray detectors in the SKIF synchrotron radiation facility which is being built in Novosibirsk region. The SKIF device will generate x-ray radiation, which will make it possible to study the make-up and structure of substances at the atomic level.
For comparison, the radiation produced by SKIF will be comparable to the radiation from hundreds of thousands of x-ray tubes, such as the ones we commonly see at a doctor’s office or hospital.
That’s the end of the science section for today, let’s move on.
Company News: Demlabs
The life of the company is not at all boring! We recently moved to a new office, and we turned our former office space into Demlabs Studio, where we can make quality video content with professional equipment, proper lighting, and good sound.
Plus, we can use the Studio space to host a variety of events: training sessions, team-building events, celebrations, and even concerts. We already have all the necessary sound and lighting, and soon we will be adding a stage. In fact, our concert series has already started. Join the Demlabs Studio community — we will be broadcasting the events live online.
Also, we’re working on a series of animated short films… And we can now show you a trailer of the first episode! This episode is already complete, and we will watch the trailer. The premiere will be later. Now we’re working on Episode 2. The concept of the series is about the triumph of good over evil, and the hero is our company mascot, the Space Chipmunk. You’ve probably seen him in our sticker sets and on merchandise.
That’s all the news for today! Let’s watch the trailer, and then move on to questions.
Questions and Answers
Is a new code audit planned before the release of mainnet? Any plans for bug bounty programs?
Yes, we are in the final stage before launching an audit, with a bug bounty of course. All is coming.
Any data on TPS testing?
TPS testing will run after we complete sharding. Without sharding, it makes no sense to show results. Because we need to show unlimited TPS, which is limited only by networking. For this we need to complete sharding.
How many testers are in community beta-testing currently?
Somewhere around 10.
How many devs are working on Cellframe?
About 30.
After you finally release mainnet, will you release the bidirectional bridge at the same time? Or get the Cf20 on the exchanges?
No, the bridge will be released a little later. Getting it on the exchanges will happen at the same moment as the bridge, but not the same time as mainnet release. After the mainnet release we’ll need to wait a little, collect more validators, and make sure the network is stable enough. Then we’ll run the bridge in two directions.
What do you think of artificial intelligence? Do you have any plans to implement AI into Cellframe ecosystem projects?
Yes, in the previous AMA I talked about it — we are planning to implement a special API for AI training, AI running, and decentralized AI ownership. So we have such plans, but first we need to complete the current tasks.
Now let’s go to the live chat.
Greetings from Rotterdam!
Hello Rotterdam city!
If Cellframe (and possibly other technologies) is truly going to be unbreakable by quantum computers…are governments, armies and big corporations interested / watching?
We’re not inventing anything new in quantum protection — we’ve integrated signatures that already exist. So governments and armies and corporations are informed about these technologies. However, they weren’t yet integrated into blockchain, and I expect at least big corporations to be interested in this, after we grow up a little?
I’m drinking a bottle of coffee guys, what about you?
I cannot drink more than a couple of coffees, a bottle of coffee — I can’t imagine this. Bro, please take care of yourself, it can be bad for your heart!
Are we ready for this rocket?
Everyone’s ready.
My Cell Tokens are in exchange, should I migrate those?
No, you don’t have to migrate. If you withdraw them on BSC it will be withdrawn in the new token, so you don’t need any migration on or Ethereum. Of course on the native network you also don’t need to migrate anything.
When blue Twitter check on official cellframe page?
Good question, I will figure it out, we will take care of it.
Are new partnerships in sight?
Yes, we are preparing one big partnership.
What about the staked LP BSC tokens, I tried and it shows 0 as it is staked right now?
Sorry, I don’t understand a little about what you’re asking. Please contact our support team.
Can i buy now directly using new contract on BSC at 1% tax?
Yes, it’s already ready for this. There’s about $300,000 in the liquidity pool right now on BSC.
Will 24 mnemonic words restore our account in both wallet and dashboard?
Right, both Wallet and Dashboard use use the same mnemonic words.
Hello, I’m going to ask a question that may make you angry, when you type your name on the net, it is possible to come across “Dapcash.” Is it an old abandoned project or something else? It could bring FUD.
Haha, no, I’m not angry. It’s not abandoned, it’s an old version of our project and it’s still expected to be kind of like Kusama for the Polkadot ecosystem. So it will be a kind of training polygon for a kind of energy network. Maybe it will be proof-of-work based, I don’t know. So it’s not abandoned, it’s just postponed while we are too busy with the current project.
Please increase your social activity on YouTube, Twitter ecc that more people will know about this project. I’m sure that there are so many great investors that don’t know that the Cellframe project exists!
That’s what we are planning for. It’s better to increase social activities after mainnet, for sure.
What is the correct tokenomics ? The new bsc contract shows 33 Million, and it also can be minted right ? And also how many tokens does the team have? We need transparency with tokenomics and team holdings.
I’ve been asked about team holdings a lot. Most of them were spent a long time ago. We’re developing the project using non-blockchain sources right now. We have a plan to emit 1M CELL this year to fund our development when we need it. However, we still haven’t emitted those, and when we do you will be informed. Right now we don’t have any significant reserves. Maybe there’s about $10,000 or less. Also I personally own little more than 10,000 CELL unfortunately. So I think I’m transparent enough for you.
Good luck brother, we support you and the team from Saudi Arabia.
Thanks for the support, guys! It’s nice to see you. I hope to visit Saudi Arabia in the nearest year.
How do you count unlimited TPS with limited resources?
By unlimited I mean limited only by internal limits. It will be limited by the hardware resources.
Can you tell us about the new project building on Cellframe?
Not yet
Can you give some timeline for the public launch? Before the end of April?
Can’t say for sure. We still haven’t passed the audit.
I thought max cap is 33M and there couldn’t be more minted ever?
Please read our Tokenomics 2.0 article.
Hi Dimitri, hope you’re having a good day!
Yes, thanks, I’m having a good day but it’s maybe too long. Ok thank you for your questions. It was a pleasure chatting with you. Thank you so much for all your questions and your support. See you next time! Goodbye!
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