Cellframe Year-End AMA Stream: December 29, 2022
Category: AMA

Hello everyone! My name is Dmitry Gerasimov, CEO of Cellframe and Demlabs. Welcome to our AMA-stream, where we discuss the latest Cellframe news and answer your questions.
Here are the topics we will cover:
- New developments from the past two weeks.
- The year in review for all projects.
- The year in review for our company as whole and then our plans for the future.
Now let’s start with the latest news.
New version of Cellframe Dashboard
We released the latest build of Cellframe Dashboard. This release includes the working build for MacOS, which you have been waiting for, and which we have been working hard on for a long time.
We defeated an epic evil bug that we have been fighting since the spring. Now it’s ready.
Our team worked for two months to stabilize the Node on all systems and improve the synchronization of the network.
So, we are very happy to present to you the Cellframe Dashboard version 2.10–18 for Windows, Linux and MacOS. Download and enjoy. https://cellframe.net/download/
Staking site news
Moving on. On the staking site:
- We’ve added a new LP-pair: $CELL-v2-BNB. This is a pair with a new $CELL on PancakeSwap and it’s different from the LP pair that we’ve presented before. Just use it when you stake $CELL. So you`ll see an additional line on our staking site and you can use it. If you want to stake an old LP-pair, please select $CELL-v1.
- We are currently preparing v3 functionality for staking on Ethereum.
- We improved the statistics section. We perfected the display of statistics by token.
- Now general information on APY is displayed regardless of whether or not wallets are connected.
- And as usual we fixed several bugs. Everything as usual.
Roadmap update
As I promised before, now we will show you our roadmap on every stream. Here you can see that we shifted it some, about a week, and I suppose we`ll do another shift after New Year.

We are generally still on schedule, so we see that things are going well and we’re still on track.
Now let’s move from reviewing the past two weeks to reviewing the past year for our projects.
Reviewing 2022: Cellframe Node
This year a lot of things happened with Cellframe Node. It became different software really. It’s much more stable, much more user-friendly, and a lot of things were also implemented.
- We started to create two new testnets — Mileena and kelvpn-minkowski. This was in preparation for launching the mainnet. We have been continuously testing these networks since their launch.
- We also implemented the TON consensus and launched migration of $CELL to the native CF-20 protocol.
- Most recently we released a new type of secure wallet, protected by a password. Just a new feature for the current wallet management subsystem.
- We went through an external audit of our code.
- We began development of the backend for the Cellframe DEX (decentralized exchange) on the native Cellframe protocol. Some of the functions of this are already present on the Cellframe Dashboard. You can try to test them.
- We launched staking mechanisms for tokens on the CF-20 protocol. Locking $CELL in our staking site allows users to receive rewards for providing liquidity.
- We successfully ported our Node to MacOS and stabilized it on the Mac operating system.
Overall, in 2022 more than 365 builds were released.
Reviewing 2022: Cellframe SDK
Cellframe SDK is a framework. Based on it, Cellframe Node was built. Because of this, most of the progress crosses with Cellframe Node.
- We made a large amount of progress in the task of improving the stability of nodes.
- We reworked and significantly improved the synchronization of Cellframe networks.
- We conducted both internal and external audits of our code.
- We built Cellframe SDK for Android and iOS. It is an important step for porting our other products based on Cellframe SDK onto Android and iOS.
- We expanded the functionality of conditional transactions. It is now possible to use them to do native staking without needing to use smart contracts.
- We added a decree mechanism for forkless updates and some of the features that we were announcing during this year.
Our protocol resisted an external attacker who attempted a double-spend on our network. It wasn’t a black hat, we think. It was an ethical hacker, white hat, because he was not hidden. He just tried to spend some of his $CELL bags, and they were huge. He is a part of our community, he holds a lot of $CELL, and we believe he was just going to help us improve our security. We are not against this and it’s good to see such guys trying to help us to improve security.
There were some interesting projects that implemented our SDK, such as an international scientific project where it is being used in plasma sensors in experimental fusion reactors, accelerators, and synchrotrons.
For me it’s the most amazing integration, adoption of our SDK, and it works fine in these censors. I believe that next year we will see how it works in future fusion reactors, accelerators and synchrotrons.
Reviewing 2022: Cellframe Dashboard
The past year was productive for this project too.
- We started working on the Cellframe DEX in the native CF-20 protocol.
- We discovered a need for a simplified version of Dashboard, and built an MVP of the new application, which we call Cellframe Wallet
- We integrated the node into the Dashboard system service for the Android build; and we are currently finishing work on building Cellframe Wallet for Android. The same steps, by the way, that we will use for iOS ports.
- We added a password-protected Wallets function. To support the same function we have built in Cellframe Node.
- Our team improved the Dashboard’s UI: reworked the design, added a dark theme, animation, and flexible scaling.
- We improved the speed of the application.
- We added an internal mechanism to check for updates.
Also we created a Web3 API — it’s a very important moment. The API is always expanding, with new capabilities for building Web3 sites, like our native single-token staking. And it’s a good example of how to build Web3 sites based on Cellframe.
The total number of builds for 2022 was 117, and there were eight releases.
Reviewing 2022: KelVPN
First of all, KelVPN is not a project of the Cellframe team. It’s based on Cellframe, and the KelVPN team is a part of Demlabs. We have done a great deal of work on the KelVPN service this year.
- We did a lot to improve the interface, adding smart scaling that keeps the app size consistent on all screens.
- We also developed the noCBD mode, which will allow future integration of KelVPN with Cellframe’s Dashboard and Wallet, along with other CF-20 compatible wallets.
- The KelVPN team continues to work on building the Multi-hop Routing function.
- KelVPN app for MacOS was released, and we built the app tray.
The number of builds for 2022 was 90, and the number of releases was 3.
Now let’s talk more generally about what we have done as a company in the past year.
Reviewing 2022: Demlabs
We re-worked our approach to deadlines and releases. We now publish worklogs every one or two weeks to share our progress with the community, and every three weeks we do an AMA stream like this one. We are now taking more time between releases, and try to release only complete, well-tested updates for our products.
In working with our community, we have begun to be more open to input and work more closely with users. We opened a group for beta testers, where we get feedback on our products. This year we also launched our Dev group and began working with the developer community.
Financially, we restructured the work of our company to help us survive the crypto winter and be more diversified.
This year we developed at such a fast pace that people and processes did not always have time to catch up and find each other. Some things we did knowing that we should have done them yesterday. But now we know for sure that we need to already be thinking about tomorrow — today. And better not to think, but to do!
Now let’s go for your questions that you`ve sent us.
When do you plan to release the other LP positions? For example, $CELL/DAI or $CELL/USDC?
Just after the New Year holidays. Not much to do for these positions, so we will present them soon.
Is there going to be a way to single-stake Cell without downloading the Dashboard?
No. Single-token staking is only for native protocols or you need to download dashboard, or Cellframe Wallet or any other CF-20 wallets. No plans for single-token staking on non-native protocols.
Are you guys going to make the Cellframe blockchain compatible with Metamask and TrustWallet?
Unfortunately no. We are not an Ethereum compatible blockchain. That is the main issue to be compatible with Metamask and others.
Why doesn’t the reinvested amount of $CELL get included into the TVL Cell?
Looks like an issue, because it should be included. I will forward it to our support team. Thank you for your report.
What`s your vision for 2023?
It will be a year when we will complete everything that we have promised. Real service-based tokenomics, including fully-functional mainnet, including interoperability with other blockchains. We are planning for the second part of 2023, when smart-contracts will be ready. And I believe it will be a year of ecosystem growth.
What’s the next big thing to release?
Cellframe Wallet and fully-functional mainnet. I think so.
Okay, that was all the questions you have sent for me. And now let’s see what’s going on in our chat.
Will there be any price impact if Cellframe adds more supply as discussed in tokenomics 2.0?
Because supply will not be added at one moment, I don’t think it will have a big impact. We are doing everything to exclude this impact at all.
Is there a way to change the reinvestment % after the staking request is submitted?
Right now there is no way to change this percent, but it’s not locked inside the smart-contract, so it is possible to review it and make it able to change. After the New Year holidays we will review this moment again.
When will DEX be live on the dashboard?
Also planned for January, just after the holidays.
When is the bridge available in both directions?
After fully-functional mainnet release.
Where do rewards for other future LPs come from?
It included planned emission; if you read Tockenomics 2.0, you could see it has planned rewards for $CELL/USDC, $CELL/DAI and other stablecoins.
When will trading with the new contract be enabled?
Trading is already present. It has not begun to have liquidity, but it`s present.
Can we expect a launch in 3 months?
From the current vision you could see in our roadmap that we are planning for about the middle of February. Please stay tuned and look at our AMA-sessions, where we will be updating our progress on the roadmap.
What’s the plan to increase Cellframe adoption?
Work with developers to do it.
Okay, it was all the questions. Thank you for all your time. Now if you want to listen to my drum`n bass mix, just wait some time. After a short pause I will return to you on the same stream.
So with people who will continue to stay with us I will not say goodbye, and for everybody else goodbye!
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